Eliminate Stains & Odours Forever: Expert Tips for Cleaning Elderly Clothes

Eliminate Stains & Odours Forever: Expert Tips for Cleaning Elderly Clothes

Written by Gurkirat Singh & Reviewed by Alisa Matsushita-Bomba

We are what we wear! 

Clothing should be adaptive and easy to wear. June Adaptive does not only provide a wide variety of elderly clothing but also acknowledges the responsibility to create awareness regarding methods to take proper care of that clothing.

Everyone likes cleanliness. It might be your surroundings, body, and even clothes. No one would like to be in the company of an individual whose clothes are smelling like a rotten egg. In fact, even if there is no presence of foul odour around an individual, the stain on the shirt speaks a lot about their personality. Today, I am going to share some amazing tips for cleaning elderly clothes. 


How to get rid of odour:

Tip: Sort the clothes according to their fabric. It can be done in three types - Cotton, Synthetic, and delicate material such as wool!

  • Baking soda & White distilled vinegar: You just have to go as far as your kitchen and pick up the pack of baking soda and white distilled vinegar. Both of them are natural deodorizers and will make the clothes smell wonderful. Add one cup of white vinegar to a full load of laundry and run it through a regular cycle. No damage is done to the fabric which ensures that the clothing is ready to wear immediately.
  • Choose the right detergent: Choose a detergent that is specifically designed for removing odours. There are a number of detergents available with particular odour specifics such as ProWash Odour Eliminator, Zero Odour Eliminator, etc.
  • Use aromatic herbs: Add a few drops of essential oils or a handful of aromatic herbs to the wash cycle. These natural ingredients will help to remove odors and leave a pleasant scent. There is a wide variety of these herbs such as oregano, mint, sage, rosemary, etc.
  • Heated steam & Natural odour sprays - Heated steam assists in loosening the fibers in the fabric to kill the bacteria and germs that cause the foul odour. In addition to it, there is a wide variety of natural odour sprays available in the market from brands like Sweat X, Febrex, HEX.
  • Other solutions: A good quality fabric softener can help to mask any remaining odours and leave your clothes smelling fresh and clean. Also, avoid drying clothes with strong odors like smoke or cooking odors in a dryer, as the heat can set the odors in. Instead, air dry them outside if possible or use a dryer sheet with a light scent to mask the odors. Always follow the care label instructions on your clothes, and never use any harsh chemicals that could damage the fabric.

  • Oh, wait! Did you know that all the JuneAdaptive clothing is easy to wear and machine washable? You can check them out here:


    Men’s Sherpa Lined Jacket
    Women’s Light Denim Jacket
    Men’s Pants with Side Zipper

    Alright, good job on eliminating foul odour from your beloved clothes but what about the gross stains that are hindering you from wearing your clothing in public? 

    Here is the list of possible solutions you can implement to get a brand new version of your clothing which has been covered by stains all around:

    How to get rid of stains:

    Alright, good job on eliminating foul odour from your beloved clothes but what about the gross stains that are hindering you from wearing your clothing in public? 

    Here is the list of possible solutions you can implement to get a brand new version of your clothing which has been covered by stains all around:

    Tip: Never use bleach on woolen clothes! It will ruin the fabric forever. If you want to use it with another type of material clothing, always make sure to dilute it first.

  • Pre-soak and pre-check: Pre-soak the clothes in a solution of water and a small amount of detergent, or vinegar and baking soda. This will help to loosen any stains that may be clinging to the fabric and make your job easier. For the stains, always check the fabric care label as it contains important information on what is the best method to clean stains. Look out for the ideal washing temperature mentioned on the same label.
  • Air dry: Hang the clothes outside or in a well-ventilated area to air dry. This will help to remove any lingering odors similar to opening our windows to get fresh air inside and eliminating any foul smell. Never put them in the dryer as it can lead to shrinkage of the clothes.
  • White distilled vinegar: White distilled vinegar is one of the best and easy solutions to remove stains from clothes. Its acidic nature does not let the stain to cling onto the fabric and eventually results in clean and fresh clothing. Add a cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle. This will help to naturally remove odors and soften the fabric.
  • Other solutions: There are many options when it comes to removing stains. As the list can grow quickly, let’s just summarize some of the people-choice options: 
    • Activated Charcoal: Place a few pieces of charcoal or charcoal briquettes in the washing machine and run a cycle. The charcoal will absorb any odours and leave the clothes smelling fresh. Surprisingly, it can also be used to freshen up the home of all your clothing - your closet!
    • Much like other strong odour removing detergents, always make sure to dilute ammonia before using it on clothes. Ammonia has the potential to remove strong odour from the clothes as well as to break down any wax residues.
    • Hydrogen peroxide is another household staple that can be used to treat stains. You can pour or spray the hydrogen peroxide on the stain in order to lighten it. You can also add one cup to your wash load in place of bleach to brighten the whole load.
    • Borax is another solution for removing odors and smells that was once a go-to household cleaner and has recently been regaining popularity. Like bleach, it can hurt the skin if it comes in contact with it, and it can be harmful if ingested or inhaled, so it should be kept out of reach of children. Add half a cup of borax to each wash load, and enjoy your fresh smelling clothes.
  • Stain remover - Stain removers are specifically designed to break down and remove stubborn stains from various surfaces. Different types of stains require different types of stain removers. For example, a stain remover designed for removing grease and oil stains may not be as effective on a protein-based stain like blood. Make sure you choose a stain remover that is appropriate for the type of stain you are trying to remove. After letting the stain remover work for a few minutes, wash or rinse the item according to the product instructions. This will help remove any residue and ensure that the stain is completely removed.
  • Water type and washing style: Cold water helps to minimize shrinkage and preserve the fabric, so it’s best to use cold water when washing elderly clothing. Whenever possible, it’s best to hand wash elderly clothing items. This will help to preserve the fabric and prevent any damage to the fabric from the washing machine.
  • Use gentle detergents: Some detergents are too harsh and can damage the fabric of elderly clothing, so opt for a gentle detergent when washing. Though no detergent has a clear description on how gentle it is, if you can touch the detergent without feeling any irritation, it can possibly serve your purpose.

  • In conclusion, removing stains and odours from clothes can be a daunting task, but it is not impossible. With the right techniques and products, you can restore your clothes to their former glory and make them smell fresh and clean once again.


    Pre-treating stains is crucial to the success of stain removal, and there are many natural and commercial pre-treatments available to help you tackle different types of stains. From white vinegar and baking soda to commercial stain removers, you have plenty of options to choose from.

    When it comes to removing odours from clothes, air-drying your clothes and using natural odour absorbers like activated charcoal and baking soda can be effective. Additionally, washing your clothes with a high-quality detergent and using fabric softeners or dryer sheets can help eliminate unpleasant smells.


    It's also important to remember that prevention is key. By avoiding certain activities that can cause stains and taking care of your clothes properly, you can reduce the likelihood of needing to remove stains and odours altogether. Ultimately, the key to successful stain and odour removal is to act quickly, use the right products and techniques, and be patient. Don't give up if the first attempt doesn't work – try again with a different approach.It is important to be mindful of the environment when removing stains and odours from clothes. Choose eco-friendly products whenever possible, and avoid using excessive amounts of water and energy during the washing and drying process.

    Thank you for taking the time to read our blog on ways to remove stains and odours from clothes. We hope that you found the information helpful and informative. Our goal is to provide valuable content that can help you in your daily life, and we appreciate your support and interest in our blog. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We value your input and are always looking for ways to improve our content and better serve our readers. We look forward to sharing more helpful tips and information with you in the future.

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