Looking for adaptive clothing brands that are easy-to-wear but still make you feel confident and beautiful?

Looking for adaptive clothing brands that are easy-to-wear but still make you feel confident and beautiful?

We are so grateful to be featured on disabilitydame.com.  The below post is a summary of the original post on disabilitydame.com: 15 Adaptive Clothing brands for adults that work with every style

Written by Allie Schmidt

Allie Schmidt is a rare disease advocate and disabled mom living with motor neuron disease. She founded Disability Dame in 2020 to provide tips to other moms living with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

Are you looking for adaptive clothing brands that are functional but still fit your style aesthetic?

Sick of only seeing light blue muumuu’s designed for the elderly?

I feel you.

When I was diagnosed with ALS at 26-years-old, I knew that it wouldn’t be long before I’d have to trade in my button-up jeans and short rompers for oversized dresses and sweatpants.

With limited adaptive clothing brands available on the market, it can often feel like our needs are overlooked when it comes to affordable fashion.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to the 15 best adaptive clothing brands on the market so you can go from feeling frustrated to feeling fierce with the click of a button.

What does adaptive mean in Clothing?

Adaptive clothing is clothing that is designed with the needs of disabled individuals in mind. This can include things like:

  • Using magnetic closures instead of buttons
  • Velcro closures
  • Pants with back support and lower cut at the front provide support and comfort to wheelchair users.
  • Easy access apparel to things like G-tubes, oxygen lines, glucose monitors, colostomy bags, etc.
  • Using smart-sensors
  • Reversible clothing

Fortunately, adaptive clothing is becoming more mainstream. From iconic brands like Tommy Hilfiger to huge retailers like Target, adaptive clothing is slowly becoming a staple offering.

And for good reason.

According to the Return on Disability Research Group, “The disability market constitutes an emerging market the size of China and the European Union with 1.85 billion people and $1.9 trillion in annual disposable income. People with disabilities and their friends and family, who act on their emotional connection, together, control over $13 trillion in annual disposable income.”

I’m hopeful that as brands start seeing the financial impact of the disability market that they will bring adaptive clothing into their main assortment of clothing.


June Adaptive


June Adaptive is an online marketplace for adaptive clothing featuring a range of inclusive products for all ages and genders. I particularly like this brand because they feature a large assortment of products that would meet different needs based on your disability. June Adaptive offers functional and stylish products for a range of ages in the disability community.

Getting dressed is one of the hardest parts of my day. I’m incredibly grateful to the brands working to change this for me and be millions of others who feel exhausted by their clothing day after day.

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